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May 2024 Announcements

Hello friends,

Here are our announcements for the month of May! We request that our announcements be shared in your meetings to help community members stay up to date on what’s going on.


At our last quarter intersangha meeting, we shared that we would be transitioning the contact information for meetings on the global website over to listing the meeting secretary’s email instead of the intersangha email.

Our Intersangha Secretary, Ezra, has completed this update.  Please visit the global meeting list to verify that your meeting is listed, and has all the correct details. 

If you need any assistance making changes to your meeting, Ezra is available to help and can be reached by email at

May 2024 Events

Intersangha Working Group Meeting

Saturday May 11, 2024 

2:00 PM – 3:00 PM Pacific

Join us for our monthly working group meeting that covers committee updates and intersangha discussions.

Feel free to bring topics or concerns to the group. Or just show up to meet the volunteers behind our sangha of sanghas!

All sangha members are welcome!   

Zoom details on our website:

Wise Friends Committee Working Group Meeting

Saturday May 18, 2024 

10:30 AM – 12:30 PM Pacific

Join us for our monthly working group meeting to help plan future workshops. No experience required! 

We are very interested right now in helping the community develop in mentorship. There is a great need from newcomers seeking recovery mentors. How can we meet this need? What support can we provide to help folks feel empowered to become a mentor? Help us think about these questions and more. 

Email to join the mailing list for this committee. 

Zoom details on our website:

Portland Planning Peeps (Summit Planning Committee)

Tuesday May 7, 2024

Tuesday May 21, 2024

6:00 PM Pacific 

We got up and running with our first meeting in April. If you want to be involved with helping with any aspect of supporting the global summit in July, this is the group for you. No experience required! We are tentatively planning to meet every 2 weeks going forward.

Email to join the mailing list for this committee. 

More on our website:

Sangha Park Hang 2024

Saturday May 18, 2024

3:00 pm Pacific

Cathedral Park (map)

Come meet some new wise friends and have some mindful mayhem! BYO…whateveryou want! Maybe some snacks, mocktails, outdoor games, chairs or blankets or just yourself! I hope someone brings croquet!

Email if you have any questions about the event

More on our website:

Unity Committee Hiking Group

Saturday May 25, 2024

2:00 pm Pacific

Mt. Tabor Park (map)

Meet at the Giant Sequoia tree for silent walking meditation around the top of the park.

Details on our website:

On The Horizon

Buddhist Festival in the Park

Saturday, June 29, 2024

9:00 am – 5:00 pm Pacific 

Dharma Rain Zen Center and Northwest Dharma Association are hosting Buddhist Festival in the Park. The festival is an opportunity for Buddhist communities from across the region to gather together in fellowship and to share aspects of Buddhism with the larger Portland community. 

Recovery Dharma PDX will host a table at the festival and we hope that you will come out to see us! We need volunteers to help staff the table throughout the day. If you are interested in helping out, please contact

Global Sangha Summit

July 26-28, 2024

University Place Hotel & Conference Center

The annual Recovery Dharma Global Sangha Summit will be held in Portland this year. Visit the Recovery Dharma Global website above for all details and to purchase your registration. 

Current Volunteer Needs


Our Co-Communications seat is currently vacant. This role is responsible for managing our social media pages on Instagram and Facebook. Please contact if you would like to volunteer.

Unity Committee

Unity Committee needs volunteers to help plan social events for the local Recovery Dharma Community. We specifically need a coordinator for our monthly hike for the month of May, as well as general volunteers to staff the committee and put on events throughout the year. Our recent Sound Bath event was a huge hit! And the monthly hiking group has been going well. We need your help to make these events happen more often and keep them going. Please contact if you would like to volunteer.

Wise Friends Committee

Wise Friends Committee needs volunteers to help plan recovery education events. Our last event, Creating and Practicing with an Inquiry Circle was attended by over 70 people across the globe! Help us deliver high-quality peer-led recovery education to the global Recovery Dharma community. Please contact if you would like to get involved!

Summit Planning Committee

Help plan and organize activities around the summit in July. Some ideas we have heard are hikes, museum visits, coordinating room shares, and potlucks. Be a part of making these happen! Please email to get involved!

Miscellaneous Tasks

Want to help out without making a long term committment? We have the following list of tasks that you can help with! Please email if you can help out:

  • Creating a Google Form for sangha support requests from the community
  • Creating a Google Form for mailing list sign up
  • Creating a Google macro to automatically add members to the mailing list when the form is received

Thank you all for your service to the community. We are here to support you! As always, if there is anything you need, please reach out to us. We have lots of resources available to help you get a meeting started, or keep your meeting going, including zoom support, books, and rent support. 

See you soon!