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July 2024 Announcements

Hello friends,

Here are our announcements for the month of July! We request that our announcements be shared in your meetings to help community members stay up to date on what’s going on.

Summit Scholarships

The PDX Intersangha would like to help local folks attend the Sangha Summit in Portland, July 26th – 28th.

We are so excited to have the summit here in Portland this year and we want to see those chairs filled with local attendees!

Please visit the summit scholarship page on our website:

Applications must be completed by July 13th.

July 2024 Events

Quarterly Intersangha Meeting

Saturday July 13, 2024 

10:30 AM Pacific

Join us for our quarterly working group meeting that brings our community and sanghas together.

We ask each meeting to send at least one representative to report on the health of your sangha with information such as how attendance has been, whether there are enough people volunteering to fill needed roles, and whether your sangha needs any support from the intersangha. The representative also votes on behalf of the sangha for decisions that are taken up during the quarterly meeting, such as position elections and budget decisions.

Feel free to bring topics or concerns to the group. Or just show up to meet the volunteers behind our sangha of sanghas!

All sangha members are welcome!   

Zoom details on our website:

Sangha Summit

Friday, July 26-28, 2024 

Join us for a weekend of Sangha, Connection, and Celebration as we commemorate 5 years of Recovery Dharma!

Limited Time!!!

Join our group rate purchase at a discount of $75! Must register here by July 19, 2024:

Or, Visit Recovery Dharma Global to register at full price:

Sangha Summit Potluck

Saturday July 27, 2024 

5:30 PM Pacific (During the dinner break of the Sangha Summit)

Join us on Saturday, July 27 at 5:30 pm for a potluck dinner in the South Park Blocks.

All sangha members (regardless of summit attendance) are welcome to join the potluck!

In an effort to help us ensure there is enough food for everyone visiting from out of town, we are requesting that local folks fill out an RSVP form if you plan to attend.

Please visit to RSVP

Hiking Group

Sunday July 27, 2024 

2:00 PM Pacific

Please note the day change: We are meeting on Sunday this month instead of Saturday. This month’s hike will be more of a stroll. Meet at the Visitor Center at Hoyt Arboretum

Details on our website: