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About Us

Recovery Dharma PDX Intersangha

The Portland Intersangha consists of all participants in Recovery Dharma PDX recovery efforts. When it gathers, the Intersangha may consider and vote on proposals regarding actions related to the Intersangha or the expenditure of Intersangha funds.

The Intersangha holds two-hour quarterly meetings (January, April, July and October) to which all current Recovery Dharma participants are invited. Only one representative of a meeting may vote at the Intersangha meeting, however; 60 percent of all existing meetings must have a representative present at the Intersangha meeting for a vote to be taken on any proposal.

Intersangha officers and committee members, all of whom are volunteers, support existing meetings, assist with the establishment of new meetings, organize and assist with half-day recovery workshops, and nurture fellowship among Recovery Dharma members.

Intersangha officers are elected once a year, typically in January. Committee members may be elected or volunteer. Both officers and committee chairpeople meet monthly (except August and December) to stay informed regarding meeting needs, plan workshops and retreats, and track emerging issues. All Recovery Dharma PDX participants are invited to attend these monthly meetings.

More information:

Portland Intersangha Officer and Committee Chairs

Below is the list of Recovery Dharma sangha members currently in Intersangha positions. To be put in contact with a specific officer or chair, please email .

Intersangha Officers

Joint Chairs:Exquisite & Jeremy
Treasurer: RobinCo-Treasurer: Anna
Secretary: EzraCo-Secretary: Matt
Communications: AnnaCo-Communications: Vacant

Intersangha Committee Chairs

Wise Friends/ProgramsMichael and Scott

Intersangha officers and committee chair-people meet monthly (except August and December) to stay informed regarding meeting needs and committee plans and to track emerging issues.

Sangha members representing each weekly meeting meet quarterly with Intersangha officers (January, April, July, October) to provide updates on meetings and to vote on issues that impact the sangha.

All Recovery Dharma PDX participants are invited to attend the monthly and quarterly meetings.

Intersangha Mailing List

In March 2024 we began using Google Groups to send announcements to meeting secretaries.

If you are not receiving our announcments, please send us your email address: