Meeting minutes to be posted when ready
Group Rate Summit Tickets
Recovery Dharma Global has extended an offer to Recovery Dharma PDX for a discounted group rate to help more local people attend the summit.
Register by July 19 for a discounted price of $75
Help us spread the word by printing out a flier and passing it at your meeting:
July 2024 Announcements
Hello friends,
Here are our announcements for the month of July! We request that our announcements be shared in your meetings to help community members stay up to date on what’s going on.
(more…)Sangha Summit PDX Scholarships: Apply by July 13th!
The PDX Intersangha would like to help local folks attend the Sangha Summit in Portland, July 26th – 28th.
(more…)6/8/24 Working Group
Minutes to be posted when ready
May 2024 Announcements
Hello friends,
Here are our announcements for the month of May! We request that our announcements be shared in your meetings to help community members stay up to date on what’s going on.
(more…)Sangha Park Hang: Saturday, May 18 3:00 pm
Come meet some new wise friends and have some mindful mayhem!
(more…)5/11/24 Working Group
Minutes to be posted when ready
Portland Summit Planning Peeps: Every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m.
If you’re interested in helping out with Sangha Summit coming to Portland in July, this meeting is for you!