Sangha Resources
Recovery Dharma PDX supports local sanghas with the generous support of our donors. The following programs are made possible by your donations:
Zoom Meeting Space
We provide zoom meeting space for meetings and inquiry circles. Please contact to make arrangements for a new meeting time.
Recovery Dharma Books
We provide Recovery Dharma Books on a sliding scale based on need to local in person sanghas and local residential treatment centers.
Our program is supported by the Bulk Order program offered by Recovery Dharma Global.
Our monthly budget of $105 is allocated on a first come, first served basis, and covers the cost of 15 fully subsidized books. We can purchase more books when sanghas are able to contribute towards the cost of their books.
Want to use the bulk purchase program but don’t have enough on hand to order 15 books? Let us help you out by adding your order to ours.
Need books but can only cover $5 each? Let us help you out by covering the $2 per book that you need.
Starting a new meeting and have zero funds to buy books? We gotchu. We often send a full order of 15 books at no cost to new meetings and/or meetings that are struggling financially. All you have to do is ask!
Contact to request books.
In Person Support
Our 2025 budget includes $25/month to help in person meetings in the Portland area cover their expenses such as rent and books.
Contact to request assistance.
Meeting Resources
The meeting resources in this section are intended to support our community. They are offered freely to use in your meetings. If you would like to submit material to be shared here, please send an email to
Please review the submission guidelines before submitting any resources.